Category Archives: Evidence based apitherapy

Therapeutic nutrition with beehive products

Nutrition is a complex and indispensable process for the preservation of life and the proper functioning of each of the body’s tissues (1). This begins with the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract, its passage from the tissues adjacent to the cell irrigated by the blood capillaries, extracellular matrix and the processes of incorporation […]

Antiviral properties of beehive products

Since their discovery, viruses have been the subject of controversy. Even its origin is not clear and it is debated between three theories: relics of pre-cellular life, intracellular “parasites” or genes that escaped cells and were united with functional units (1). Although viruses have been known for their ability to generate diseases such as human […]

Aging and senescence: approach from apitherapy

In recent decades there has been an increase in the world population and life expectancy. During the last century the world population quadrupled and estimates indicate that in the next decades it will double again (1). Likewise, life expectancy has been shown to increase significantly, before 1800 it was 32 years old, in countries like […]

State of the art of apitherapy. Past and present

Apitherapy is a therapeutic system that is based on the use of bee products (honey, bee venom, propolis, royal jelly, beeswax, pollen and their combinations) in order to prevent and treat different diseases (1). This article presents a summary of the history of apitherapy as well as the results of case series of patients treated […]

Webinar: Hive products in health care

Description: Apitherapy, therapeutic based on the use of hive products (honey, royal jelly, bee venom, propolis) represents a whole universe of possibilities in the treatment of acute, chronic and degenerative diseases. Apitherapy can be approached from different medical systems being an excellent complement to other treatments in the search to improve the therapeutic results of […]

Cancer and therapeutic with hive products

The comprehensive approach to cancer is today a challenge for patients, their families, health teams and society. In most countries of the world, cancer is the first or second cause of premature death only surpassed by cardiovascular disease (1). In spite of the efforts in the timely detection and research of new treatments for the […]

5 benefits of apitherapy during chemotherapy

Cancer is a set of conditions that appear in different parts of the body and is characterized by the abnormal growth of non-functional cells; Chemotherapy agents are used as part of their treatment. Chemotherapy is based on the use of chemicals in order to stop the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. Chemotherapy produces multiple […]

Bee sting or injectable bee venom?: review and evidence analysis

Apitherapy is a therapeutic system that is based on the use of hive products in order to prevent and treat diseases. Bee venom (apitoxin) is one of them and the most frequently used in handling with apitherapy. Apitoxin is a complex substance in which can be identified more than 50 active components including peptides and […]

Colombian bee pollen: food of high nutritional and therapeutic value

The products of the hive have been consumed by mankind since its inception. There is a large body of evidence that shows that the first human settlements consumed these products; Not only have they been used as food, for centuries they have been used for their therapeutic benefits (1–3). Among the products of the hive […]